COLLEGES MAIL – Easter Egg Tombola

Dear Parents/Carers, This year as a fundraiser we will be having an Easter egg tombola on Wednesday 27th March.  We would love any donations of Easter eggs if you are able to. Please bring your Easter egg either to the office or pass to your Keyworker. Kind regards Slavka Houlder Admin Assistant

COLLEGES MAIL – Reminders/Information

Dear Parents/Carers All welcome to a Family fun day at The Fields Childrens Centre.  Saturday 30 March 10.00.a.m. – 1.00.p.m. Children’s bag Please make sure that children’s bags are topped up with spare clothing. Snack Donations We have fruit baskets located in each room and it would be very much appreciated if parents could bring Continue reading

COLLEGES MAIL – Information

Dear Parents/Carers Please find attached information on what’s been happening in nursery. Chinese New Year It would be lovely if any parents wished to come in to nursery to help us celebrate Chinese New Year during the week of the 12 February.  This can be anything from cooking to reading with the children.  Please let your Continue reading