Colleges Mail 8/1/2018

Dear Parents A Happy New Year to you all, please find attached our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Singing Alternate weeks from the 17th January Kathryn Rowland will be joining us to lead music sessions for all children. School Admissions Have you applied for your school place for September 2018?  Applications Continue reading

Colleges Mail 7/12/2017

Dear Parents Christmas Cards We all like to give cards to our special friends at Christmas time.  Often some children do not get as many cards as others or don’t celebrate the season.  To ensure that all children are included we would like to suggest that, if your child would like to give out Christmas Continue reading

Colleges Mail 30/11/17

Dear Parents Christmas Fayre Our Christmas Fayre is fast approaching and we need your help.  Please return your slips to the office if you are able to volunteer on the day or help with wrapping before the fayre.  We are taking donations in the office for raffle prizes/bottle tombola/children’s lucky dip/children’s tombola. The sign up Continue reading

Colleges Mail 16/11/2017

Dear Parents Reception School Place We have sent you all an email with information on how to apply for your child’s place. Doors For the safety of the children please can we remind you not to hold any of the doors into the Nursery open. Community Centre Building work to replace the conservatory will commence Continue reading