Colleges Mail 17/06/19

Dear Parents Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery We are looking at food and making choices.  We will be making pizza and fruit salad and planning out combinations of flavours.  Look out on the diary for added events… Obstacle Course and International Evening Daisy Room Following our interest Continue reading

Colleges Mail 10/06/19

Dear Parents Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ information. Nursery This week in Nursery Daffodil, Tulip, Bluebell and Snowdrop groups are going to Forest Schools. On Wednesday the donkey, sheep, ducks and chickens of Ark Farm will be visiting us. Daisy Room We will be looking at farm animals alongside our visit Continue reading

Colleges Mail 03/06/19

Dear Parents Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery This week we will are reading pirate stories, making pirate costumes and getting ready for the carnival. Daisy Room We will be settling back after the half term break.  Looking at our sunflowers to see if they have grown.  Our Continue reading

Colleges Mail 20/05/19

Dear Parents Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery This week we will be thinking about “journeys” buses, trains, planes, cars and bicycles. Daisy Room We are looking at the changes happening in the garden, now all the flowers and plants are growing. We will be doing lots of Continue reading

Colleges Mail 13/05/19

Dear Parents Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery This week our theme is “creatures”. Daffodils, Tulips, Snowdrop & Bluebell groups are visiting Forest School. Daisy Room We are continuing to look at sunflowers and taking care of our seeds to ensure that they grow.  Forest Explorers (DATE CHANGES) Continue reading