Colleges Mail 09/12/19

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery Continuing to practise our songs ready to sing for parents this week.   Finishing off our Christmas art ready to take home. Daisy Room This week we will be making Christmas biscuits and continuing with our winter themed books. Christmas Singing Continue reading

Colleges Mail 02/12/2019

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery Practising our Christmas songs and making our Christmas cards and biscuits. Daisy Room Continuing with making our winter and Christmas decorations.  Also looking at winter themed books. Christmas Singing – Tuesday 10 December The children would like to invite you Continue reading

Colleges Mail – 25/11/2019

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery We are beginning to learn our Christmas songs. Daisy Room Starting to make winter decorations. Illness Please can we remind you if your child is unwell, has vomited, has diarrhoea, a temperature and has needed Calpol, nursery is not the Continue reading

Colleges Mail 11/11/2019

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery This week we are following the children’s interest sparked by the Autumn light and shadows, we will be investigating shadows. Daisy Room We will be decorating biscuits and making toast together. Parent Consultations – Nursery Parent consultations are taking place Continue reading