Colleges Mail – 27/01/2020

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery We are celebrating the year of the rat and making celebration food on Tuesday and Thursday.  We are also getting reading for our trip to the Woodland Adventure. Daisy Room This week we are celebrating Chinese New Year.  We will Continue reading

Colleges Mail – 20/01/2020

Dear Parents/Carers Here is our ‘This Week at Colleges We Are’ for your information. Nursery We are continuing with Goldilocks and encouraging the children to tell their own version.  Using descriptive words for the story, for example hot porridge, soft chair, lumpy bed, golden hair, sharp teeth. Daisy Room We are carrying on reading Goldilocks Continue reading

Colleges Mail – 16/12/19

Dear Parents/Carers Term is nearly at an end and all the children are now settled with thanks to the support from parents. Save the Children Thank you for your generosity this term, our ‘Gifts for Giving’ sale raised a huge £122 for Save the Children.  Christmas Parties The children are having their Christmas parties today Continue reading