Applying For a Place

Currently, all 3-4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours per week of government funded education/childcare during term time. From September 2017 children of working parents may be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week (30 hours free entitlement). To find out if you are eligible please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website. If you are not eligible for 30 hours free entitlement but require more than 15 hours we offer chargeable Wraparound Care places.

We are open 8.45am – 3.45pm. Download your application form or ring the school office on 01223 712168.

There are a number of ways you can choose to take your 15 hour entitlement as detailed below:

Option 1

Five mornings

Option 2

Five afternoons

Option 3*

Monday 8.45am-3.45pm
Tuesday 8.45am-3.45pm
Wednesday 8.45am-11.45am

Option 4*

Wednesday 12.45pm-3.45pm
Thursday 8.45am-3.45pm
Friday 8.45am-3.45pm

*If you take up this option there will be a charge for lunch and care.

Children are eligible for a place at a Local Authority Nursery school from the beginning of the term following their 3rd birthday.

For this purpose the terms are as follows (these are in line with the Early Years Education Funding Term Dates):

Autumn Term – 1st September to 31st December
Spring Term – 1st January to 31st March
Summer Term – 1st April to 31st August

Parents may register their interest in a place at a Nursery School at any time by completing and returning the Nursery Application Form to the Nursery they are applying to.

Download the Application Form

Forms must be returned to Colleges Nursery School either by email or post.

Places are allocated according to the criteria set out in the LA Nursery Admissions Policy 2025-2026


Please contact our Office on 01223 712168 for further clarification.

Places are sometimes available during the year so please do contact us at any time.

Wraparound Care

In addition we offer a limited number of extra chargeable hours.

Two Year Olds

At Colleges Nursery School we provide childcare for two and three year old children. You can pay for sessions once they are two years old. Some two year olds who meet certain criteria are eligible for 15 hours free funding.

If you think they are eligible for a two year old funded place please refer to the website:

All children are eligible for a free 15 hour place the term after their 3rd birthday.

Download the Application form