Dear Parents
Alternate weeks from the 17th January Kathryn Rowland will be joining us to lead music sessions for all children.
School Admissions
Have you applied for your school place for September 2018? Applications must be made by midnight January 15th. For further information please visit
Can I remind you that we are a nut free Nursery. We have children that have severe allergies so please do not bring in any food/drink from home.
This does not include the fruit for snack.
A number of parents have been using their mobile phones within the Nursery. Please do not use your mobile phone anywhere within the Nursery.
Please can you check your children’s hair regularly as we have had some cases of head lice within the Nursery.
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Spring Term 2018 Staff Training day Wed 3 January 2018
Term starts Thursday 4 January
Half Term Mon 12 February – Fri 16 February
World Book Day Thu 1 March
Living Eggs Mon 19 March
Spring Term Closes Thursday 29 March 2018
Summer Term Staff Training day Monday 16 April
Term Starts Tuesday 17 April
May Day Bank Holiday Mon 7 May
Staff Training day Friday 25 May
Half Term Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018
Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.